
母婴育儿2023-12-15 03:41:04楚傲柔









Remembering Jiangnan, Wen Tingyun. Jiangnan refers to the southern region of China, which is known for its beautiful scenery and pleasant climate, and is often referred to as a "paradise on earth". Wen Tingyun, on the other hand, was a famous female poet of the Tang Dynasty, known for her poems depicting the Jiangnan landscape and expressing her longing for her hometown.

Wen Tingyun's poem "Jiangnan" has been widely circulated for its delicate description and deep expression. The poem reads: "Jiangnan is a place where lotus can be picked, and the lotus leaves are so vast. Fish play among the lotus leaves, fish play to the east of the lotus leaves, fish play to the west of the lotus leaves, fish play to the south of the lotus leaves, fish play to the north of the lotus leaves." These lines vividly depict the water village scenery of Jiangnan, making people feel as if they are immersed in it, experiencing the beauty and tranquility of Jiangnan.

Wen Tingyun's poems also express her deep longing for her hometown. In "Jiangnan," she writes: "On the pitiful night of the third day of September, The dew is like pearls, the moon is like a bow." This line expresses the author's longing for her hometown. The third day of September is the Mid-Autumn Festival, a traditional Chinese festival where people miss their distant relatives and hometown.

Wen Tingyun's poems not only depict the beauty of Jiangnan and express her longing for her hometown, but also express her love for life and her understanding of life. In "Jiangnan," she writes: "Life is like a dream, let's toast to the moon over the river." This line expresses the author's love for life and her understanding of life. Life is like a dream, and we should cherish the beauty in front of us and not let time pass in vain.

Wen Tingyun's poems, with their delicate descriptions and deep expressions, have become treasures of ancient Chinese literature. Her poems not only allow people to experience the beauty and tranquility of Jiangnan, but also make people ponder the meaning and value of life. Remembering Jiangnan, Wen Tingyun, let us savor this beautiful poem together and feel the charm of Jiangnan.

本文标签: 温庭筠  江南  


