关于下午茶的唯美句子英文 关于下午茶的英语句子

生活常识2024-04-08 02:03:05佚名

关于下午茶的唯美句子英文 关于下午茶的英语句子

1. 请帮我翻译下这几段关于下午茶的英文






油、凝结的奶油和果酱 - 见奶茶)通常还有蛋糕和糕点(如:巴腾保蛋糕,水果蛋糕或果酱夹层蛋糕)。这些食物通常会以层叠的样式供上。





2. 求英语的有关下午茶的短文

呵呵 ,你也没说清楚字数,我给你一篇相关的文章,希望你能满意In British, afternoon tea is a very important part in people's life. It has played important roles in British culture over the years and still do today. In my opinion, it reflects British people's attitude or style to life . Do you know the source of the afternoon tea? Maybe I can tell you something. It began back in the mid 1800s when the Duchess of Bedford started having a tray of tea with bread and butter served to her in mid-afternoon. We all know that, in those days, lunch was simply served at noon, but dinner was not eaten until 8 or even 9 o'clock at night. The Duchess may be too hungry to pass those long afternoon hours. After her, having afternoon tea became a regular occurrence. And along with tea, there would be small pastries with clotted cream or preserves, delicate sandwiches and scones. In China, some people think that “afternoon tea ”and“ high tea”have the same meaning. But I discover that they are different. High tea is served later—around six in the evening and consisted a full dinner meal for the common people. Tea is still served, but there would also be fish, eggs, chess, bread, butter and cake. Exactly speaking, it is a man 's meal. But afternoon tea is served at 3 to 5 o'clock. It offers small pastries with clotted cream or preserves, delicate sandwiches and scones. To a very real extent, it is a lady's meal. Chinese also have their own afternoon tea. And the form is similar to British afternoon tea. But the purposes between them are different. In Britain, afternoon tea is a fixed and important part in daily life. It only happens in family members. It also be absolutely personal. They would try their best to avoid the pressures of life and work when they have afternoon tea. In their minds, having afternoon tea is a way of relaxing themselves. However, when Chinese people have what is called afternoon tea, they think that it is more about social life but relaxation. In my opinion, British afternoon tea stands for a more positive a way of life. They know how to rest, so they know how to work harder to achieve their goals. Maybe we, Chinese people, should learn to them, not only appearance of afternoon tea, but also the nature about it.。

3. 求英语的有关下午茶的短文

呵呵 ,你也没说清楚字数,我给你一篇相关的文章,希望你能满意In British, afternoon tea is a very important part in people's life. It has played important roles in British culture over the years and still do today. In my opinion, it reflects British people's attitude or style to life . Do you know the source of the afternoon tea? Maybe I can tell you something. It began back in the mid 1800s when the Duchess of Bedford started having a tray of tea with bread and butter served to her in mid-afternoon. We all know that, in those days, lunch was simply served at noon, but dinner was not eaten until 8 or even 9 o'clock at night. The Duchess may be too hungry to pass those long afternoon hours. After her, having afternoon tea became a regular occurrence. And along with tea, there would be small pastries with clotted cream or preserves, delicate sandwiches and scones. In China, some people think that “afternoon tea ”and“ high tea”have the same meaning. But I discover that they are different. High tea is served later—around six in the evening and consisted a full dinner meal for the common people. Tea is still served, but there would also be fish, eggs, chess, bread, butter and cake. Exactly speaking, it is a man 's meal. But afternoon tea is served at 3 to 5 o'clock. It offers small pastries with clotted cream or preserves, delicate sandwiches and scones. To a very real extent, it is a lady's meal. Chinese also have their own afternoon tea. And the form is similar to British afternoon tea. But the purposes between them are different. In Britain, afternoon tea is a fixed and important part in daily life. It only happens in family members. It also be absolutely personal. They would try their best to avoid the pressures of life and work when they have afternoon tea. In their minds, having afternoon tea is a way of relaxing themselves. However, when Chinese people have what is called afternoon tea, they think that it is more about social life but relaxation. In my opinion, British afternoon tea stands for a more positive a way of life. They know how to rest, so they know how to work harder to achieve their goals. Maybe we, Chinese people, should learn to them, not only appearance of afternoon tea, but also the nature about it.。

4. 关于下午茶 英文短篇作文

In China, some people think that “afternoon tea ”and“ high tea”have the same meaning. But I discover that they are different. High tea is served later—around six in the evening and consisted a full dinner meal for the common people.

Tea is still served, but there would also be fish, eggs, chess, bread, butter and cake. Exactly speaking, it is a man 's meal. But afternoon tea is served at 3 to 5 o'clock. It offers small pastries with clotted cream or preserves, delicate sandwiches and scones. To a very real extent, it is a lady's meal.


5. 在英国喝下午茶时需要用到的英语单词和句子

下面简单介绍一点 The British Afternoon Tea Ritual The British are renowned for stopping everything at four o'clock each day to enjoy Afternoon Tea. The first thing you need to know is that it's a major faux pas to confuse “Afternoon Tea” with “High Tea”. They are very different servings, but since “high” sounds more uppity the misunderstanding is common among the uneducated, unsophisticated, and little traveled. 详情见这里/lifestyle/afternoon-not-high-tea 。

6. 描述下午茶的句子

1. 十二月的窗外雪花飞舞,窗前阳光下来杯咖啡温暖一下心灵,悠悠下午茶,静静漫时光;生活尚好,懂得珍惜!

2. 恬静的午后,坐在藤椅上,慵懒的阳光拥抱着自己。那杯咖啡放在水晶般闪闪熠熠的桌面上,抬头仰望着蓝天,看着白云优雅地踱着步,惬意的午后。

3. 独自生活,养花,一本书,一只猫,一桌精致的下午茶,一首熟悉的歌曲,还可以听留声机转动的吱呀声。

4. 安安静静,倚坐在必胜客,望着玻璃窗外,闲散的人,让下午茶,清空一下乱绪。生活继续,日子照旧。

5. 狂风肆虐的早餐时间,我悠然地喝着下午茶,等待暴风小姐的来临。

6. 即便你忙得很是不可开交,也应该约上朋友、爱人,或是自己在阳光下享受下午茶的时光,这不是在浪费时间和金钱,而是能让你享受到生命的质感。

7. 好多的负担,好多的焦虑,都会慢慢地随着下午茶消失在腹中。

8. 强弩之战,残缺的人性,片刻的宁静,唯美的下午茶,瞬间的爱情,构筑了一曲曲悲壮的英雄歌。

9. 我愿意跨越千里,只为来见你一面,临别时,我要告诉你,嘘,不要说再见,我们等会见,也许还能一起喝下午茶。

10. 我种花、养狗,不屑和算命先生聊过好几个时辰,以至于错过了喝下午茶以及和灵魂约会的时间。

11. 忙忙碌碌的生活,琐碎繁杂的事务,让我们觉得很累,人累、心累。但悠闲其实很简单,放慢脚步,用心去享受惬意的下午茶时光。给自己一杯下午茶,美好往往都在我们的热爱里。

12. 下午茶的芬香熏陶着房内的任何一个角落,午后的阳光透过窗帘的间隙洒在木制的桌面上,一份思念随着红茶顺滑至心中。

13. 在悠然的午后,享受会下午茶时光,耳边响起勾起回忆的旋律。

7. 我们的下午茶作文,英语,



A sunny afternoon, mom and dad are out, the family left me alone. Foreigners have to drink tea in the afternoon, why can't I? But there is no black tea at home, then what should I do? I think, open the refrigerator, and see if there is any beverage can replace the black tea. I am looking for, finally found a bag of plum juice, this is the summer my mother bought summerheat, left, left half. This summer to winter plum juice Jieshu, brewed in hot water, whether there is a warm effect? I decided to try it out, then took out the plum juice, remove the clip, and find a cup of coffee and a small spoon, pour into a little granular mume juice, then pour into the hot water, stir with a spoon, OK! I brought a book with a ray of sunshine, drink juice plum while reading, don't mention more comfortable! I love a small spoon a small spoon slowly drink, dish up a small spoon into the mouth, mume juice slowly flowed into my mouth, first is warm, then it is sour, taste, feel a little sweet, then a fragrance like a warm spring breeze, echoed in the mouth in a cavity, lead a person to endless aftertastes. As I like to finish this speed, a small cup of juice plum at least, one hour, so only a few SIP (basically already cold), I will call out that in one gulp! This is a small plum juice drink, my tea time would end this way, if you want to try?

8. 下午茶英语短文急啊

下午茶!no1: Afternoon tea Afternoon tea is a light meal typically eaten between 3pm and 5pm. It originated in the United Kingdom, though various places that used to be part of the former British Empire also have such a meal. However, changes in social customs and working hours mean that most Britons only take afternoon tea on special/formal occasions. Traditionally, loose tea would be served in a teapot with milk and sugar. This would be accompanied by various sandwiches (customarily cucumber, egg and cress, fish paste, ham, and smoked salmon), scones (with butter, clotted cream and jam — see cream tea) and usually cakes and pastries (such as Battenberg, fruit cake or Victoria sponge). The food would be often served in a tiered stand. While afternoon tea used to be an everyday event, nowadays it is more likely to be taken as a treat in a hotel, café, or tea shop, although many Britons still have a cup of tea and slice of cake or chocolate at teatime. Accordingly, many hotels now market a champagne cream tea. --------------勤奋的分割线------------- no2 Afternoon Tea Tea is the steady companion of the Scottish day, and each hotel, no matter how humble, stocks its rooms with supplies for brew-ups: electric pot for boiling water, ceramic pot for brewing, china cups and small tea-creamers, a raft of teas, honey, fresh milk, and lemons. This is a delight and astonishment, for not only is there no such thing in American hotels, but room service even in respectable ones, when asked for tea with milk, can deliver a plastic jug of tepid water, this covered by a square of Saran Wrap, and a drinking glass of milk. To request tea in an American office is often to throw the receptionist into a swivet: he or she believes that there is tea somewhere in the corporate pantry, but where? One prefers not to ask rather than to send this person on a scavenger mission, especially because the tea, if found, is a grim bag-tea like Red Rose. Naturally, one might as well ask for a trip to Bombay as to ask for looseleaf Earl GREy, or first-flush Darjeeling, or Assam tips. Home is a fluid place; each day at four o'clock, I could easily be an expatriate. One afternoon we are poking up the rocky coastline from Black Craig near Stromness north past Skara Brae to Brough Head; this western end of the island is folded and fissured in a steady cascade of bays, headlands, gloups, caves, and the handsome invasions of ocean into the land that are called geos. These places are named Lyre, Nebo, Axna, Saed, Sand, and Skipi, in a succession of sounds as quirky and original as the land. We wind slowly north toward Skipi Geo just around the Brough of Birsay, stopping to walk Marwick Head. The wide plateau at the summit of the cliff tilts at a precipitous angle toward the sea, covered with GREat, loose, cracked plates of flagstone in thin layers: orange, grey, ochraceous rocks that will weather into fertile soil or be pried up for roofing flags if they do not first slide into the sea. The bluff perpetually wet and glistening, and cold water pools dot the depressions and rectangular fissures in the rock. Over the exposed plateau, wind blows in steadily and coldly from the sea. This is the home of the largest and most spectacular seabird colony on Mainland; some thiry-five thousand guillemots, ten thousand kittiwakes, as well as fulmars and razorbills, who favor the eroded flagstone ledges for nesting and the abundance of shoaling fish for eating. But in this stormy weather, only a few guillemots -- auks, and clumsy on land -- bumble along the slabs of pitted rock cliff. For miles to the west, there is flat, grey, choppy ocean; for miles to the east, a grey, clouded sky under which low, treeless fields roll smoothly into the moors. It is nearing four o'clock in the afternoon, and sure enough, parked just off the road, overlooking the pungent tidal flats, we come upon a small caravan camper with its aluminum door open to a late-middle-aged Scottish couple, sitting at a folding table, taking tea and biscuits. Passing by, one only has a glimpse: his thick, white socks and heavy black shoes; her plump pear form and print dress; the electric kettle on the table. The archaeologists are puzzled as to why the people of ancient Skara Brae would locate their huts so close to the sea, and have surmised that in fact the settlement was originally located in a protected hollow, that time has eroded the shoreline inland toward the huts. That would make sense. Indeed, when presented at Skara Brae with the lure of a sparkling sea and the howling wind, we ourselves tucked into the hollow of a dune for lunch, eating cheese and apples in the sun with wind skimming our 。


