夏洛克的网中的优美句子 《夏洛的网》的好句子

生活常识2024-03-27 05:53:19佚名

夏洛克的网中的优美句子 《夏洛的网》的好句子

1. 《夏洛克的网》的经典句子


One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it


Your mind is like this water, my friend , when it is agitated ,it becomes difficult to see ,but if you allow it to settle , the answer becomes clear.

true warrior, but do not surrender真正的武士绝不放弃


2. 神探夏洛克的10句经典台词




11分40秒 The name's Sherlock Holmes,and the address is 221B Baker Street. (我的名字叫夏洛克·福尔摩斯,那里的地址是贝克街221B。)

17分24秒 No point sitting at home when there's finally something fun going on. (没理由坐在家里了,人生终于有乐趣了。)

17分31秒 The game, Mrs Hudson, is on. (游戏开始了,赫德森太太。)

59分20秒 Shut up, everybody! Don't move. Don't speak. Don't breath. (全都闭嘴,别乱动,别说话,别呼吸。)

1小时38秒 Anderson, don't talk out aloud. You lover the IQ of the whole street. (安德森,别嚷。整条街的智商都被你拉低了。)


Amazing! Borning! Obviously!

Shut up. Pass off. Bloody hell

3. 谁能帮我找到《夏洛特的网》的台词

1. :8083/movie/skin5/film_view.asp?id=418 2. 经典台词 台词欣赏(一)电影小档案Name: Charlotte's Web 《夏洛特的网》Director:盖瑞·温尼克Gary WinickStarring: 达科塔·芬宁Dakota Fanning 朱莉亚·罗伯茨Julia Roberts 凯文·安德森Kevin Anderson 多米尼克·斯科特·凯伊Dominic Scott KayGenre:家庭Family/奇幻AnimationRuntime:97分钟Rating:G级 (General audiences: all ages admitted) 善良的女孩Fern从爸爸的斧下救出了出生时发育不良的小猪Wilbur。



下面这段台词选自电影开头的一幕:Wilbur天生发育不良,Fern的父亲决定杀掉Wilbur, ……Narrator: There was nothing special about Somerset County. It was a deeply ordinary place. No astonishing thing ever happened there. The people who lived there were just regular people. And the animals 。 Well, they were just plain old animals. They didn't question the order of things. So, the days passed, one very much like the other. But, one spring, on a small farm, a little girl did something, something that would change everything.Fern: What are you doing? Fern's Dad: Fern, go back to bed.Fern: You're not going to kill it, are you?Fern's Dad: It's a runt1. Now, go back to bed.Fern: No, it's not fair! It can't help being born small. If I'd been born small, would you have killed me?Fern's Dad: Of course not. A little girl is one thing. A runty pig is another.Fern: There's no difference! This is unfair and unjust. How could you be so heartless?Fern's Dad: Come here. I want to show you something. You see that? You see? There's 11 pigs and only 10 teats2. Sow3 can't feed it, honey.Fern: Then I will. (Speaking to the little pig) I'll feed you and take care of you and (to her father) absolutely will not let you kill him.Notes:1. runt n.发育不全的矮小动物 runty adj.发育不全的2. teat n.奶头。

4. 谁能帮我找到《夏洛特的网》的台词

1. :8083/movie/skin5/film_view.asp?id=418 2. 经典台词 台词欣赏(一) 电影小档案 Name: Charlotte's Web 《夏洛特的网》 Director:盖瑞·温尼克Gary Winick Starring: 达科塔·芬宁Dakota Fanning 朱莉亚·罗伯茨Julia Roberts 凯文·安德森Kevin Anderson 多米尼克·斯科特·凯伊Dominic Scott Kay Genre:家庭Family/奇幻Animation Runtime:97分钟 Rating:G级 (General audiences: all ages admitted) 善良的女孩Fern从爸爸的斧下救出了出生时发育不良的小猪Wilbur。



下面这段台词选自电影开头的一幕:Wilbur天生发育不良,Fern的父亲决定杀掉Wilbur, …… Narrator: There was nothing special about Somerset County. It was a deeply ordinary place. No astonishing thing ever happened there. The people who lived there were just regular people. And the animals 。 Well, they were just plain old animals. They didn't question the order of things. So, the days passed, one very much like the other. But, one spring, on a small farm, a little girl did something, something that would change everything. Fern: What are you doing? Fern's Dad: Fern, go back to bed. Fern: You're not going to kill it, are you? Fern's Dad: It's a runt1. Now, go back to bed. Fern: No, it's not fair! It can't help being born small. If I'd been born small, would you have killed me? Fern's Dad: Of course not. A little girl is one thing. A runty pig is another. Fern: There's no difference! This is unfair and unjust. How could you be so heartless? Fern's Dad: Come here. I want to show you something. You see that? You see? There's 11 pigs and only 10 teats2. Sow3 can't feed it, honey. Fern: Then I will. (Speaking to the little pig) I'll feed you and take care of you and (to her father) absolutely will not let you kill him. Notes: 1. runt n.发育不全的矮小动物 runty adj.发育不全的 2. teat n.奶头。

5. 夏洛克的烦恼的经典台词


Shut up,Anderson. You lower the IQ of the whole street.__SH 【闭嘴,安德森,你拉低了整条街的智商】 ——《Study in pink》 You know Sherlock,I were a soldier! I kiiled people! [John] You were a doctor ! [Sherlock] I had bad day ! [John] 【你知道的夏洛克,我是个军人!我杀过人!】 【你是个医生!】 【我也有心情不好的时候!】 ——《波西米亚丑闻》 I don't have friends.I just got one .__SH 【我没有朋友,身边就只有你。】 ——《巴斯克维尔猎犬案》 “如果方便,请速回贝克街221B 。

SH” …… “如果不方便亦请回。” PS:这个是给花生的短信 ——S101。

Take my card .__SH 【用我的卡吧。】 ——S102 Take my hand.——SH 【牵着我的手。】

PS:真是基情满满啊~ ——S203 Black,two sugers.__SH ——S101 这是卷福对咖啡的要求。 Not your house keeper~__Mrs.Hudson 【不是你的管家哦】 ——S101 其实赫德森太太也很萌的~ Get off my sheet ![SH] Or what !? [MH] 【放开我的床单!】 【不然呢!?】 ——S201 这俩兄弟挺喜感 暂时这些嗯,想起了再补充。


