1. 我认为秋天是一年中最美的季节。
i think autumn ithe most beautiful season in a year.
2. 秋天时叶子变黄。
the leaveturn yellow in autumn.
3. 在秋天的晚上,我感到一丝凉意。
i feel a little cool in the autumnal night.
4. 秋天里树木都是光秃秃的。
the treewere naked during autumn.
5. 今天的天气已露出了一丝秋天的气息。
there ia breath of autumn in the air today.
6. 九月的天气确实像秋天了。
the weather in september wapositivelautumnal.
7. 我喜欢收集秋天赤褐色的叶子。
i like to collect russet autumn leaves.
2. 描写秋天景色英文的句子1、I like autumn very much.
2、My favourite season is autumn.
3、Do you like autumn?
4、In autumn,the weather is very dry and cool.
5、I think the most beautiful season in a year is autumn.
3. 描写秋天景色的英语句子1、Autumn is quiet, in this season you can calm down to taste the life of each section. 秋是安静的,在这个季节可以静下心来品味生活的每一段。
2、Autumn, in a tense after harvest, suddenly everything faded, boundless land pale yellow bare. 秋天,在一场紧张的收割之后,转眼间一切都褪了颜色,一望无垠的土地苍黄地裸露着。 3、The autumn wind, cool breeze, flowers and trees, like a loving mother is humming a lullaby to put their children into the sweet dreams. 秋风,凉丝丝的,吹拂着花草树木,好像一位温情的母亲正轻轻地哼着催眠曲把自己的子女送进甜蜜的梦乡。
4、The warm autumn sun quiet, gentle warm autumn wind of Dong Xiang, melodious elegant blue sky and white clouds. 金秋的阳光温馨恬静,侗乡的秋风和煦轻柔,蓝天白云飘逸悠扬。 5、The autumn wind blows, cenglinjinran, golden; sun, walking in the jungle, there is a different kind of taste. 秋风萧瑟,层林尽染,一片金黄;阳光下,走在这密林之中,确有一番别样味道。
6、The golden autumn, the sky like a piece of earth sapphire, it has been autumn wipe very clean and beautiful. 金色的秋天来了,天空像一块覆盖大地的蓝宝石,它已经被秋风抹拭得非常洁净而美丽。 7、Relative to the last spring, summer and winter glitz, silence, autumn is a hole that has yet to hang the fickleness of the world, already middle-aged and old male wei. 相对于春的繁丽,夏的浮华,冬的死寂,秋是一位洞明世态炎凉,又还未至垂垂已老的中年伟男。
8、In autumn, most flowers have lost their former glory, the petals have fallen, and the variety of chrysanthemum is in the limelight, decorate the city, beautify the environment. 在秋天里,大部分花已经失去了往日的风采,花瓣已经落下,而各种各样的菊花却在争奇斗艳,装点了城市,美化了环境。 9、The arrival of autumn, so that fruit trees mature. Look, they're laughing apple red, like in autumn aunt let them mature thanks. 秋天的到来,让果树成熟了。
看,苹果们个个都笑得红通通的,像在感谢秋姑姑让它们成熟了。 10、Autumn, you are more prosperous than the spring scene, you are more colorful than the spring of the spring. 秋天,你比春天更富有欣欣向荣的景象,你比春天更富有绚丽的色彩。
11、Autumn may hide in golden rice, perhaps hidden in the fire of all in the persimmon, may be hidden in the green room of rapeseed. 秋也许就藏在金灿灿的稻穗上,也许藏在火通通的柿子里,也许藏在绿油油菜地间。 12、High autumn day, as if heaven and the earth Pangu also; days as blue, as if there was the artist painted in the sky blue pigment. 秋天的天很高,好象盘古还在撑着天和地;天那样蓝,好象有位画家在天空中涂了蓝色的颜料。
13、Autumn quietly came, walked with light steps, with the harvest of hope and joy. 秋天悄无声息地来了,迈着轻盈的步子,带着收获的希望和喜悦。 14、Autumn! Like a young girl dressed in golden clothes, she is gentle and kind, always bring benefits to people! 秋天!就像一位身穿金色衣服的少年秋姑娘,她温柔善良,总会给人们带来好处! 15、In autumn, the sky as blue as the sea, as if with a wash of sapphire. 秋天到了,天空一碧如洗,好像用清水洗过的蓝宝石一样。
4. 关于季节的英语好句,优美一点的,必须是英语,初中水平July, clear blue sky, hung like a fireball sun, the clouds as if the sun burnt, and also disappeared without a trace. 春天随着落花走了,夏天披着一身的绿叶儿在暖风里蹦跳着走来了。
With the falling away in spring, summer, green leaves dressed in a child bouncing around in the warm air inside came the. 初夏的阳光从密密层层的枝叶间透射下来,地上印满铜钱大小的粼粼光斑。 Early summer sunshine Mimicengceng transmission between the branches and leaves down on the ground full of coins the size of India and sparkling spot.。
5. 英语秋天的段落秋天(Autumn)
Autumn is my favourite season.
It's from September to November. At that time, we have less sunshine. Some days are very windy and wet. The weather does not like that in summer and winter.It is so pleasantly cool.The leaves fall from the trees.The leaves turn yellow,red,brown and golden.
The swallow and cuckoo leave for warmer countries.They will return next year's spring.
The apples,pears and plums are ripe in the orchards.They are ready for picking.
In autumn, the farmers are verybusy to pick crops in the fields. And they are getting ready to plant next year's crops.
6. 秋天的美景英文5句话The Colour of Autumn
Autumn comes ,it gets cooler and cooler.The sky is blue and the clouds are white.You would say autumn is blue and white.
Look !Birds are flying from the north to the south.The leaves are yellow.Some are hanging on the trees,some are on the ground ,some are dancing in the wind.Someone would say autumn is yellow.
There are so many fruits in autumn in Xinxing .Pears ,peaches.Mangos,oranges and so on.They're fresh and healthy.
Oh!I see.Autumn is a harvest season.Autumn is colourful.What a beautiful season !
Autumn's coming.
She is in a yellow dress.
She is coming across the fields.The fields are yellow now.The wheat is smiling.There are some farmers in the fields.They are processing the wheat.
Look at the trees,there are many birds singing in the trees.Animals are dancing under the trees.
They are happy!
The sky is blue and clean.Many white clouds are in the sky.They look like sail boats.Take a deep breath,and then you may feel relaxed.
Autumn is bewitching.I love autumn.
7. 写秋天的英语句子The trees were naked during autumn.秋天里树木都是光秃秃的。
The rain was killing the last days of summer,you had been killing my last breath of love, since a long time ago.秋雨,带走了夏天的最后一丝余热,而你,也将我全部的爱都带走了。
The leaves turn yellow in autumn.秋天时叶子变黄。
Rain in the North seems peculiar, compared with that of the South, more appealing,and better-behaved.北方的秋雨,也似乎比南方的下得奇,下得有味,下得更象样。
My favourite season is autumn. 我最喜欢的季节是秋天.
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8. 描写秋天 英语句子关于秋天的英语句子1.Wake up to drink ,people feel the middle of the night, moving wind over a lotus leaf pond
2.Life is so si-mp-le, such as the autumn, such as fallen leaves.
3.In autumn, some emotions, such as fallen leaves as they decline, some have lingering shadow, only in the virtual network is indistinct in the familiar names. It withered on the decline,ashes are also good, regardleof the feelings of like how the leaves like a tree in full bloom and how to decline. I was standing on the flow of time, laughing, even if the sky flying leaves, eventually covering the lives of desolation.
秋中,有些感情便如落叶般凋零了,有些影子却挥之不去,只在网络虚缈中才有熟悉的名字。凋零就凋零吧,倦缩也好,成灰亦好,管它感情如一树红叶般怎样盛开,怎样凋零。我站在川流不息的时间里,谈笑风生,任凭满天的叶子飞舞,最终覆盖苍凉的生命。( 散文阅读:pares traditional and contemporized architectural styles.很强的技巧加强了景色的美感,在传统和现代化了的建筑风格之间的对比。
That is an oil painting of a landscape in spring.那是一幅描绘秋天景色的油画。
The travelers were beguiled by the beauty of the landscapes.游客们被景色的美丽所陶醉。