The difference between love and like very simple, if you love flowers you give it water, it will take off like it
喜欢明亮色算不算开朗, 一个拥抱是不是就是温暖, 欢呼和笑代不代表快乐。 我希望你笑是因为你真的快乐了, 毕竟我知道你哭是因为你真的难过了。
有些真心话往往都藏在玩笑中, 只是说者有心
2. 想要带英语的网名,唯美一点的(带英语的,是有中文也有英语)Sunny。
晚晴抹花 °flower°璎珞 cherrySmoke filled ゞ away.(烟消ゞ云散)-╬ sculpture-time(→╬雕刻→时光)Have you forgotten all the pieces(淡忘有你的一切丶)ゞ spirit ○ o.o(ゞ魅o.o○)From now on I for a(从此我为句号)'old ゝ have emerged(′岁忆ゝ浮现)° dye never-failing threads-╮(° 染不尽的余温 - ╮)"Cherry blossoms road(〃 樱花路)Please call me shaCurtain丶 (英文网名注释:落幕)Allure Love≈ (英文网名注释:倾城恋)Mo Maek ζ(英文名翻译成中文:莫陌)∝ -Tenderness∮ (网名翻译:温存)Flowers °(英文网名注释:繁花)Poison丶biting (非主流英文网名翻译中文:毒丶刺骨 )Desperate 丶struggle£ (伤感英文名字:拼命的挣扎)Koreyoshi £(意境英文网名:惟美)Aesthetic ‰(唯美)⑦。ven 〃(英文的7是 seven)Queen'ξ (女王) Only one ° (唯一)coy ∮ (腼腆)dow we(请叫我影子≈)The spread of missing pieces silent suffocation(思念蔓延丶无声窒息)The lights imitate, fall for stars(灯火模仿,坠落的星光∮)"Happiness", skating on thin ice. ‖(「幸福」,如履薄冰。
‖)异魂湘 Heretic 屏息 melody 旧城失词‖soul ≈ 冰岛忆7Ranee 追梦人 1/7dream 小R3n谄媚 ▼ 无人问津° cold- 不语却知心 ▌belie 锦年 Silkage¨ 离沐倾城 winnie° 温柔是我的 Style. 西百合花 〓 Lillian 伤痕 Recollection 哀伤之后 After sad Timetable 爱情时钟。 Leanshielt▔依靠 完美丶Curtain゛ 第六感 -Kandahar◎ litter bear、不孤单 穿心 wear heart* 空心Vicious╮ Morning air 晨光 ° 尘埃落定 -Somnr 腐朽 Eros1on ≈ 不语却知心 ▌belie 惊艳 splendide?7?7 钻石花 pu2enes 毒毒毒 (▲) 2ou1 蝎柔 EVIL-ぢ ぢ.distance▎颜诺 姿态 2Amor ▍ 别荡失太早 v2lst。
Their well ° To run away、/ 太委屈° grieva 暖兮princess 30° 妖娆 【】 Shirley 人潮疯 |▍ Excited 离骚丶 The worst° 离愁▍ Feast away 花季丶 A woman° DOMO禁语 blandness ≈ DIligEnCe 梦唇 乱情°Guetse - 冷沫°Nemesis_ □ Eternal '荒唐 Words 'very △ Soul灬叛逆 暖人心 2/1 回忆、The flower Calm°微笑 Curtain 私念 寻找 Looking Coquettish. 妖|艳。 Quorra's chord. 心弦 Smile____゛定格 红眼 |Red Eyes SecretWeapon PapaSmurf 无规则 Rules° 报应The Reaping な 永远 ▍ Forever 仅此°future 装装装 °Escape丶 Jackson ′烂漫 禾子〃 Warmth 半世迷离゜Devil 余存°d3sTiny- 缺点控 °Snug。
3. 英文高手请进you are the apple of my eyes, girl.
Unless you love me too, you never know how deep I love u.
Xanadu there i wish you are with me, Far from the madding crowd.
if i know what love is ,it is because of you
Now all I ask is one chance,To try to win your heart.
u make my heart smile.
use your smile to change the world, don;t let the world change your smile.
If i had a single flower for every time i think about you, i could walk forever in my Xanadu garden.
if equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me.
it's never too late to fall in love.
I did love you and i do love you .
No words are necessary between two loving hearts.
never give up on anybody, mirackes happen every day.
No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is worth make you cry.
Never frown, even when you are sad, ause you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
nothing really matters if you love me.