支招小作文(159) I 动态柱图 五种商品一年四季销量

时事新闻2023-09-14 20:33:35无忧百科

支招小作文(159) I 动态柱图 五种商品一年四季销量

September 14, 2023

雅思小作文系列 | 栏目推送说明


[2023/ 9/ 9] The chart below shows the sales (US dollars) of different categories in a particular shop all the year round in the US in 2001.





The bar chart compares five types of consumer goods in terms of their sales(in US dollars) in a shop in US throughout 2001.


In general, jewelry earned more profits than other items in the given year, but male clothing was less lucrative than others.


就全年来讲,jewelry整体销量较高,但male clothing的数据整体较低

【Body 1】

In winter, jewelry wasthe most profitable item, with the sales of $120000.Subsequently, this figuresaw a dramatic declineto $80000 in spring,before climbing marginallyby $20000 in autumn.Likewise, the sales of clothing showed a similar trend.To be more specific, from winter to spring,there emerged a constant dropin both the figures for female and male clothing from roughly $83000 to $70000 and from $40000 to $20000 respectively.The final quarter witnessed a slight riseby around $10000 in these two figures.



- Jewelry:winter销量最高($120000)→spring急剧下降到$80000→autumn小幅度上升了$20000.

- clothing的销量呈类似趋势

- female和male clothing的销量:从winter到spring,销量持续下降(分别从$83000 →$70000和$40000→$20000)

- 最后一季度两者都小幅度上升了$10000

【Body 2】

We can also see thata different trend could be found in the sales of other two types of items.Originally, the sales of cosmetics($50000) were roughly twice as large as the figure for sports($30000).Afterwards, these two figuresgrewto the same figure at $60000 in Spring. Summer marked the season when cosmetics earned the least profit throughout the year of 2001($30000),after whichthis figuremore than doubledto $70000 in the last quarter.Similarly, the sales of sportsdecreased to$40000 in summer,followed by a slight growthin autumn to the same figure as it was in spring.


- 和之前三种的销量趋势不同

- 最初cosmetics销量是sports的2倍→随后这2个产品的销量上升,在spring达到相同数值$60000.

- Summer, cosmetics销量最低($30000) →在最后一个季度翻了一倍多,达到$70000

- sports:小幅度下降在summer达到$40000→autumn轻微上升回到和spring相同的数值

本文标签: 小作文  sales  spring  summer  winter  


