雅思词汇解析(52)| 媒体类

时事新闻2023-09-03 22:33:16无忧百科

雅思词汇解析(52)| 媒体类

September 3, 2023

雅思词汇解析 | | 栏目推送说明





1. paparazzi /ˌpɑ:pə'rɑ:tsi:/

n. 狗仔队;跟踪名人拍照的摄影记者。

e.g. She was last snapped by the paparazzi about six years ago.

e.g. The paparazzi give you plenty of exposure.

补充:snap 拍照

exposure 报道;宣传

雅思写作话题:Some people feel that paparazzi should not follow celebrities and invade their privacy by taking pictures of them everywhere, while others believe this is just the price of fame. 讨论双方观点,你怎么看?

优点:Famous people are thought of as the role model for people. When paparazzi chase them to see what they are doing in daily life, there might be a good chance to show to people their good sides.

2. sensational /sen'seɪʃ(ə)n(ə)l/

adj. (故事、报道)耸人听闻的; 轰动的

e.g. The focus of click-bait is to grab public attention creating sensational news headlines which are often misleading or untrue.

补充:click-bait 指标题党;为骗取点击量的夸张标题。

adj. 极好的;绝妙的

syn. excellent

e.g. We attended a sensational concert—one never to be forgotten.

e.g. Their performance was sensational.

n. sensation 引起轰动的人(或事件、情况)


His excellent performance in the show turned him into an overnight sensation. 一夜成名

3. astray /ə'streɪ/

adv. 偏离正确方向地;误入歧途地

常用搭配:go /lead astray

e.g. It’s easy to be led astray by the reports in the papers.

e.g. It’s often counterproductive to engage directly with content from an unknown source, and people can be led astray by false information.

雅思口语话题:Do you think it's good for parents to help their children choose friends?

部分思路:Choosing the right friend requires a certain level of intellectual maturity that children don't possess. As a result, parents, sometimes take it upon themselves to help them choose the right circle of friends who will be good influences instead of leading them astray.

4.headline /'hedlaɪn/

n. (报纸、杂志或电视新闻节目中的)重要新闻


make/ grab / hit / headlines 成为新闻焦点

e.g. That the circus is going to perform in the town grabs the headlines.

e.g. The issue that has grabbed the headlines this year is marine pollution.



