9月9日雅思大作文示范写作 | 年轻人从事志愿者服务

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9月9日雅思大作文示范写作 | 年轻人从事志愿者服务

September 11 2023

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Some people suggest that young adults should be encouraged to do some unpaid work for a period of time for the community to help people. Does it bring more benefits or drawbacks to the community and the young people?(2023/09/09)



Young adults, as responsible citizens of a progressive society, are highly suggested to be engaged in unpaid community service. In spite of some valid concerns to such involvements, I find myself instaunchagreement with the statement with some of the reasonselucidatedin this essay.


本次考题跟剑桥雅思9 Test 2的大作文很像,但是限定词有所不同,审题注意针对young adults 和community;

剑桥雅思9 Test2:Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programmes (for example working for a charity, improving the neighbourhood or teaching sports to younger children). To what extent do you agree or disagree?

❖ staunch adj.坚定的;

❖ elucidate v.阐明,解释;

Body 1

Indisputably, charitable activities in community organisations will proffer young adults a profound life experience. With daily livesbeing awash withelectronic gadgets, we are living in an age when the young, after work and study, mostly go home andare glued tobrowsing the Internet or playing computer games. A healthy life balance,by this token, is increasingly hard to follow. Sparing time in charity work, therefore, will prevent them from sitting andsquanderingtheir time. Meanwhile, skills gained through these compulsory work, be it working for a charity, improving the neighbourhood or teaching sports to younger children, will be anasseton their CV and bringtangible boonsin increasing their employability.


(1) 社区组织活动将为年轻人提供深刻的人生体验,帮助年轻人获得实践性技能,有助于他们将来的就业;

❖ be awash with v.被…所淹没 ;

❖ are glued to v.盯着;紧贴着;粘到…上;

❖ by this token 按照这个逻辑;由此推断;

❖ squander v.浪费,挥霍(金钱、时间等);

❖ asset n.有利条件,有价值的人或物;

❖ tangible adj.明确的,真实的;

❖ boon n.裨益,优势;


Body 2

From the community’s perspective, with amushroomingnumber of young people involving in unpaid services, communities will be more harmonious and prosperous. By devoting themselves in serving others in community, young people are able to learn to empathise with others and be sensitive to other people’s needs. In this case, people will be more deeply attached to each other with strong community cohesion. As everyone gathers together as close as family, it offers the feasibility to createamityand unity inneighborlyrelations.



❖ mushrooming adj.迅速增长的;越来越多的;

❖ amity n.友好;亲善关系;

❖ neighborly adj.睦邻的;友好的;


Body 3

On the other hand, opponents raise their own concern and argue that the primary duty and responsibility for young adults are tozero inon work and study. Most youngsters, bread winners in the family,are swamped withwork under thiscut-throatcompetition, whichcoercesthem tobeaver awayat work in order toamassa sizable fortune and strive for better lives. Compulsory community service,accordingly, would be a distraction from this. In addition, youth is a stage when the young should be allowed to enjoy their lives instead ofbeing tied downwith the responsibilities in community services.



❖ zero in on v.集中注意力于...;

❖ be swamped with v.被淹没:被大量的事物或任务所压倒,无法应付;

❖ cut-throat adj.(竞争)残酷的,激烈的;

❖ coerce v.强制,迫使;

❖ beaver away v.忙碌地工作;埋头苦干;

❖ amass v.积累;

❖ accordingly adv.因此,所以;

❖ be tied down v.束缚于,捆绑于;


Ending Paragraph

Torecapitulate, it is aniftyidea to set unpaid community service, a win-win practice for both young people themselves and the society as a whole, be a compulsory part of young people’s lives.


❖ recapitulate vi.概括;重述要点;

❖ nifty adj.漂亮的;棒的;


本文标签: 考题  雅思考试  雅思大作文  


